Saturday, November 15, 2014

My week so far.

I weighed in at the beginning of the week and had a startling gain, which made me question everything. I wanted to put it off as just water weight from a sneak attack period or the fact that the weigh in took place in the evening and I had been eating all day.

But I had to come to terms with the fact that my eating had really sucked lately. Every since the week before Halloween. Darn these holidays.

So I have mentally kicked my own butt and gotten back in the game. My dietician told me to eat fruits and veggies instead of sweets and that is what I have been doing. I am also really working much harder on keeping myself to 1400 calories than ever before. I have not made it every day, but I am way closer.

Tuesday I blew it, Wednesday I was under 1400, Thursday I was at 1500 and Friday I was on target again. Today I am doing well.

I have been packing my lunch daily, even if I am staying home. It helps me eat better during the long part of the day. I also bought some PB2 - google that stuff. Man, it is good when dipped into with baby carrots.

I know it's not a Reese cup. But it satisfies.

Not me. Do some squats today!

I have started doing some squats in the day - only 20 in the am and 20 in the pm, but I can REALLY feel the burn.

I am not doing squats that go very low, but I am getting my butt down parallel to knee level. My swim was interesting, because I could really feel the thigh burn. I felt stronger even though it hurt a bit.

My sleep is better, I am loving the CPAP. It has really worked for me. Sure, things bug me about it, but overall, I am not having headaches, I am sleeping better and I am sure that there is a lot less stress on my heart. I have dreams now that do not haunt me into the morning.

So that is where I am today.


  1. I should start packing my lunch if I'm home too- that's a great idea!

  2. Packing the lunch has helped me stop cruising thru drive thrus. I pack roll ups, which are either turkey or chicken sliced from the deli and rolled in cheese, Swiss is my favorite. Specifically alpine lace reduced fat cheese and Cracker Barrel sliced chicken. Then I have a 1/2 cup of grapes, the same of baby carrots and a wedge of laughing cow light cheese.

    My dietician gave me a list of healthy snacks, so these fill me up. Plus my ever present ice water.
