Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Stupid Scale.

I had to hide my scale. I am 13 days post op and of course I am waiting for the BIG WEIGHT LOSS like it's Christmas and I am six years old.

I know that this takes time. I know that my body is changing in ways that are not reflected on a scale and I know that my period is less than a week away (if it decides to visit this month).

So, I am hanging in there, doing all the good things:

  • Drinking my fluids
  • Following my doctor's instructions
  • Getting some gentle walking in 
  • Resting
Still, it's hard to cope with the whole scale thing. 

I am going to try to refocus on my upcoming transition to the stage II diet (currently on all liquids) and think about other things than my number.

It's hard seeing others who have had the same surgery take much bigger jumps down the scale, but I know:

  • I started with a relatively low BMI and that causes weight loss to be slower
  • I can not compare myself with others. 
  • I need to trust the process

So, that's it. I can't expect to see a pound a day loss on the scale and I need to get my head around that and keep going. Otherwise, I will crash and burn.

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