Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My Lard Bucket List

What I want to do that my fatness currently prohibits:
Be able to maneuver in a regular sized bathroom stall. DONE!
Sit in the booth. Not even think about asking for a table. DONE!
Ride the Go-Karts without having to have the attendant help me buckle. DONE!
Play at the amusement parks with the kids. DONE!
Go to Disney and not be afraid to look at the photos afterward. DONE!
Stop staring at the weight limits on elevators. "How many of ME can this hold?" DONE!
Not have to put a sock between my flopped over belly and my pubic area after a shower to let the skin dry between so I don't get a rash. DONE!
Not have to lift the pannus to wash the kitty. DONE!
No more swim dresses.
Pass up clothing because I don't like it, not because they don't have 3 or 4X sizes. DONE!
Be able to pass a full length mirror or plate glass window and not recoil in horror. DONE!
Weigh less than my husband. DONE!
Be picked up, physically. Be swept off of my feet.
Cross my legs. DONE!
Run. The other day my daughter said, Mom, I have never seen you run before! (I was racing to the grocery store -- and I nearly fell), but I used to run all the time.
Wear a shirt that does not come down to mid-thigh.
Not be hot all the time. I will gladly put on a sweater. DONE!
SKI - I don't ski because it's hard to ski when you can't see your feet, not to mention ski pants aren't big enough for me. I want to ski again.
Not get stuck in a bathtub, again. I am not talking about a toe in the spigot. I got stuck in the tub and could not raise myself out. I have showered ever since.

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